Metropolitan accessibility and territorial production: a ring road for the real estate market in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/RN
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São Gonçalo do Amarante, Lagoa Nova, real estate market, metropolitan ring road, spatial accessibility.

How to Cite

COSTA DO NASCIMENTO, R.; FERREIRA DANTAS, G. A. .; BEZERRA FARIA TRIGUEIRO, E. . Metropolitan accessibility and territorial production: a ring road for the real estate market in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/RN. Revista de Morfologia Urbana, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.47235/rmu.v10i2.268. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jan. 2025.


This article aims to understand how the recent formation of a ring road in part of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) impacted on the real estate dynamics, in an area of ??consolidation of the neighborhood of Lagoa Nova (Natal/RN) and of expansion of the municipality of Sao Goncalo do Amarante. In the first one, in constant urban transformation, real estate prices – mainly apartments – have increased according to the expansion of the global core or set of more accessible roads in the city. The other, with characteristics of urban sprawl, has suffered, in recent years, the gradual increase in land prices, after the expansion of road connections that give access to the new international airport Aluízio Alves. Through these two sections pass axes that add up to a metropolitan roadway influential in the trends of flows and intra-urban movements between the two municipalities, especially after completion of the southern access to the new airport. As a method, Space Syntax is used to gauge, through measures of integration (centrality) and crossing (choice), how the levels of metropolitan accessibility of the urban fabric respond to the pricing process - for more or less - presenting themselves as instrument for analyzing real estate appreciation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rodrigo Costa do Nascimento, George Alexandre Ferreira Dantas, Edja Bezerra Faria Trigueiro


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