A piecemeal world
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How to Cite

HOLANDA, F. de. A piecemeal world: the Preservation Plan for the Urban Complex of Brasilia - PPCUB. Revista de Morfologia Urbana, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 5–13, 2017. DOI: 10.47235/rmu.v2i1.28. Disponível em: https://revistademorfologiaurbana.pnum.org/index.php/rmu/article/view/28. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2025.


The Project for the Complementary Law of the Preservation Plan for the Urban Complex of Brasilia is now within the realm of the Legislative Power, Federal District, Brazil. Unfortunately the project does not consider the historical problems of the city: ruptures of the urban tissue, urban voids without functional bioclimatic or expressive reasons, accessibility issues, poor definition of spaces promoting public life, and one of the most perverse socio-spatial stratifications in the world. Decades of critique on modern configurations, which do not consider the ‘space between buildings’, are ignored. More than the projects of the classic period of the modern urbanism (1960s), the recent projects propose the proliferation of spaces defined by blind walls, of ‘island buildings’ in introverted schemes, and of activities opening to inner spaces and emptying the public realm of transitions between the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’. Initiatives of the ‘ordinary man’, who reinvents the city through fascinating ‘urban fissures’ in the dominant order, are ignored. Instead of facing the structural problems of the city, the Plan focuses on attributes of urban plots individually, in a ‘legislative storm’ of almost 200 articles and a great number of appendixes. A piecemeal world.

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